
Listen to 78 RPM recordings in all their quadraphonic splendor

Girl-boss Galaxy

Girl-boss Galaxy

We return to Kingsley Research and Development.

Kingsley: First in Time Travel, First in Replicatronics. When discovery was made of the Multiverse, the existence of other universes in addition to our own, Kingsley set right to work developing the Multiverse Meanderer, allowing us to study Universe 29-WA0IQX: also known as The Girl-boss Galaxy Universe

It’s one where all the band and orchestra conductors are women.

Hour One has 2 20-second pauses (with music) at 17:43 and 38:55 for local station ID:

Here is Hour One divided into 3 segments to facilitate local station ID:

Hour One:

1 - Slightly Frantic - International Sweethearts of Rhythm – 1945

2 - Daddy-Daddy - Savannah Churchill and her All-Star Orchestra - 1945

3 - Bootin' the Boogie - Christine Chatman and her Orchestra – 1944

4 - The Man I Love - Billie Holiday and her Orchestra - 1943

5 - Sing Me a Song of the Islands - Dolly Dawn and her Dawn Patrol Orchestra – 1941

6 - Tea Dance - Ella Fitzgerald and her Famous Orchestra - 1940

7 - When I Swing My Stick - Francis Carroll and the Coquettes, Viola Smith on drums – 1939

8 - Exactly Like You - Kay Thompson and her Orchestra - 1937

9 - Autumn Murmurs - Edith Lorand and her Viennese Orchestra

10 - Willow Tree - Mildred Bailey and her Alley Cats - 1936

11 - Wild Party - Ina Ray Hutton and her Melodears – 1934

Ina Ray Hutton

12 - Oriental Swing - Lil Hardin Armstrong and her Swing Band - 1932

13 - Make Me Know It - Blanche Calloway and her Joy Boys – 1931

14 - Changes - Green's 20th Century Faydettes, Nina Grey conductor – 1929

15 - Tiger Rag - The Ingenues - 1929

16 - Charleston Mad - Lovie Austin's Serenaders – 1925

Hour Two:

17 - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - The Screen Guild Theater – 1947 (Radio Drama)

18 - The Maltese Falcon - The Screen Guild Theater – 1943 (Radio Drama)

19 – There’s Rhythm in the River – Blanche Calloway and her Joy Boys – 1931

20 – Last Dollar - Blanche Calloway and her Joy Boys – 1931 

Day Trader

Day Trader

Family Reunion

Family Reunion